Stay Safe
Procedures and protocols to create a safe space for everybody
What we are doing to make you feel at ease and at home
Keep Safe at the Dunoon Hotel
The Dunoon will be a space in which everybody can feel at home and at ease. As one of the leading hotels in Wales, we have always been about best practice; today best practice means ensuring a safe holiday experience, but also one that is still personal and a pleasure.
We continue to minimise the risks associated with the potential transmission of Covid-19. The principle governing all these measures we are still practising is to minimise face-to-face contact whilst maintaining high levels of service and hospitality.
We continue to offer strategically placed sanitising stations throughout the building to minimise transmission from common touch points, eg lift buttons and door handles.
We respectfully suggest that guests are not present whilst rooms are being cleaned.
At every stage of the booking process, we will explain what we are doing and how you can help us, culminating in a virtual check-in at least 24 hours prior to arrival. Once in the hotel, there will be visual and verbal prompts to help promote good hygiene.
Whilst we will be taking every step possible to minimise risks and to keep guests and staff protected, we rely on everyone’s goodwill and co-operation in making the necessary adjustments to help us create a clean and safe environment. As owners of a private hotel we reserve the right to require anyone not exercising due caution to leave.